Peter Selgin is the author of Drowning Lessons, winner of the 2007 Flannery O'Connor Award for Fiction, as well as a novel (Life Goes to the Movies, 2nd place finalist AWP and James Jones First Novel Award), two books on the craft of fiction writing, and two children’s books. His first memoir, Confessions of a Left-Handed Man: An Artist's Memoir, was published by the University of Iowa Press. A recently completed novel, The Water Master, won 2012 Pirate's Alley William Faulkner Society Award for Best Novel. His stories and essays have appeared in dozens of journals, and are included in several anthologies, including Writing Fiction, and Best American Essays 2006. A visual artist as well, his art has appeared in The New Yorker, Gourmet, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Outside, and other publications. He is the prose editor and co-art director of Alimentum, a literary journal devoted to food themed writing. He teaches at Antioch University's MFA writing program and is Distinguished Visiting Professor of Creative Writing at Rollins College.